Santa’s been busy making his list and checking it twice and after a hard day’s work, he loves to crack open Rogue Ales & Spirits’ 2021 edition of Santa’s Private Reserve. Kringle Krusher, this year’s much-anticipated release, is a winter ale that is inspired by rum balls and is a must for any holiday celebration.
Kringle Krusher has mildly sweet pastry and vanilla flavors that balance with a robust aged rum and brings together notes of caramel and spice. These elements mingle with a rich base that has complex malt character, a light and clean hop bitterness and shadows of oak.
“The story behind Kringle Krusher is an exciting one,” adds Hagen Moore, VP of Marketing and Creative. “When Santa caught Krampus stealing his rum balls he offered Krampus a choice: either give them back, or wrestle for ’em. Krampus, blinded by the allure of the delicious sweets, chose to face Santa in the ring. A poor choice, as Santa and his love of this holiday treat would prove too powerful for Krampus. With one hit from Santa’s famous Gumdrop Elbow Drop, Krampus conceded and handed over the rum balls. That match, forever known as the Royal Rumball, and Santa’s love for the confection are the inspiration for this year’s Santa’s Private Reserve.”
Find Kringle Krusher near you or order online today! (shipping available within OR only)